Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Collection

I am a collector. It's in my nature.  I appreciate old and worn things, throw away things, miniature things, things that tell a story, things that I can tell a story with or through, and all these things end up a part of my space. I love to scour the thrift stores, antique shows and flea markets for unusual objects. But I am lucky enough to also have friends who sometimes collect on behalf. This little numbered bottle set was given to me by Ellen, a friend and co-owner of the^workshop in Berkeley. She said now she has a "Courtney" spot in her home of things she might find in her travels that no one would appreciate but me. I am so lucky to have such friends!

I'm not sure what I will do with these once I've put them in order. Undoubtedly fill the tiny vials with something... 

We'll just have to wait and see!


hillary said...

do you drink wine? i've thought it would be so fun to take a set of little vials like that and make a "le nez du vin" inspired kit (for myself or as a gift. The aromas are listed here:

Courtney Cerruti said...

That would be a great application!
I don't drink at all! But, that doesn't mean I couldn't still follow that idea with another food item (as I do love food). I was also thinking os some small object. We'll have to see what develops... Thanks for the link. I am most curious...

Colleen Hickey said...

Hi Courtney, Love your blog! These are from a watchmakers cabinet. I just bought one complete so I know. can't believe you have one too! The vials are tiny pieces of art. Most of the ones I have have a teeny tiny ruby inside. Have fun with them!