Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Visit with Dxn

Hung out with my good friend, Dickson Schneider... got to check out his studio which is always amazing. Dickson is one of my greatest sources of inspiration. He's always painting, making a video, creating a print or working on a project. Other than a series of portraits he's been working on, he just rebuilt a vintage bike and covered it in abstract enamel paintings... amazing as always.

 Also got to take a peek at Katina's new body of work. I'm used to walking into her studio, seeing a large mylar sheet on the floor with several muffin tins strewn about containing around 3 dozen variations of black ink dilutions which she uses to paint overlapping shadows. I was so surprised to see color when I walked in today. Flowers, pattern, rich saturated colors all mingling together to create these complex and fluid scenes...beautiful.


Finished off the visit with a trip to Blue Bottle... a great morning.

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