Thursday, August 5, 2010

Workshops at SFCB

San Francisco Center for the Book


This week we introduce you to Courtney Cerruti, SFCB's newest instructor!

Courtney Cerruti

New instructor at SFCB! Join us in welcoming a new instructor to SFCB, Courtney Cerruti. Educated in California and France, Courtney now designs and teaches various art workshops around the Bay Area. Working in many mediums, but primarily paper, Courtney creates whimsical and magical objects, always with an eye to the narrative aspects of each unique piece.

Image courtesy of Courtney Cerruti

Feathers, Fur and Scales
with Courtney Cerruti

Saturday and Sunday
September 24 and 25
10am - 5pm

Create your own totem animal using found and recycled papers and a wire armature. Immortalize your pet schnauzer or your beloved parakeet with pages from old, worn out books in this ingenious workshop!

Image courtesy of Courtney Cerruti

Image Transfer
with Courtney Cerruti

October 19
6:30 - 9:30pm

Learn various image transfer techniques to use with paper arts, collage, fiber arts and more. Explore transfer options using inexpensive materials and go home with a wealth of knowledge and a packet of samples made in class.

Image courtesy of Courtney Cerruti

Faux Bois (Wood Grain) Accordion Book
with Courtney Cerruti

November 30 and December 7
6:30 - 9:30pm

Learn the techniques of faux bois (false wood) painting that's beautiful enough to rival Martha. Create an accordion book using your own one of a kind faux bois papers.

Image courtesy of Courtney Cerruti


  1. awesome courtney!! i hope the workshops go well!

  2. Congratulations Courtney. I hope you have fun in these workshops! Grace

  3. Courtney, these look amazing and like so much fun!
