Monday, August 2, 2010

eucaylptus buttons & magnolia pods

I am collector. I collect memories, images, objects and things that tell a story. Sometimes I like things that are damaged, sometimes I like things that sparkle or shine, and sometimes I simply like the hunt for that one elusive treasure. I can't quell that curiosity and desire to discover something magical and wonderful...
I especially love to walk and look for natural objects. Interesting leaves, seeds and pods often wind up in a pocket or bag and the collection grows with each step. Tonight I collected two things that I absolutely love...

eucaylptus buttons & magnolia pods

Hope you find an unexpected treasure on your next journey!


  1. My problem when I collect things is I end up sick of clutter and throw everything out. I always wondered what those little pods were on the ground. Thanks for letting me know!

  2. Yes.. I might have too many collections!

  3. Actually you do have to many collections, but then again that is one of the many beautiful and unique things about you.

  4. I love these little natural collections! Even better when you can use them in your art!
