Thursday, July 22, 2010

To Mila on her 5th Birthday

Little one, look closely. See what I hold for you here?
Tiens, here, hold out you hand and take this present.
Come close and steady your breath. Don't frighten it away.
It is shy.

Little one, see here, it is all my hopes and dreams for you.
It is shining here, in my hand, a glowing light.
It burns for you, knowing it mirrors the magic you hold inside.
Look closely, whisper softly, it will tell you of your future.

Little one, tiens, take this gift, it is my love for you.
It is my protection when I cannot be there to keep you safe.
It is my knowing that you are bright and beautiful and one of a kind.

Little one, Little Mila, Happy Birthday.
My special girl.

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