Thursday, January 1, 2009

A new year

The New Year is a time when change can be a welcomed thing. With 2009 comes the opportunity to create new traditions and maybe change my routines a bit.  I usually make a New Year's resolution or two, and stick to them fairly well. As always I am looking to this New Year as a chance to bring interesting things into my life.  My New Year's Resolutions are as follows:
  1. Paint or draw one miniature a day (the first of which is above. A persimmon in                       prismacolor shades of orange and red).
  2. Take a photo everyday. ( I'm hoping to make this a polaroid a day if budget allows)
  3. And small but significant... Make my lunch to save money and eat something other than soup.
I have intentions of also posting the results of my efforts here, either in the photo or the miniature which makes me post everyday as well, maybe a hidden fourth resolution.

What are your resolutions?


  1. polaroid a day would be so awesome!! Happy New Year to you :)

  2. So far, I haven't kept up the polaroid a day. I just keep forgetting to put it in my bag. Maybe I'll start tomorrow!
