Tuesday, December 23, 2008

a room of one's own...

One great thing about my new house is my studio. It houses all my paper, my art supplies, my mac and is a place where I spend most of my time.  Here are some quick and cursory pictures of a few elements that make up a this magical space. Above, paper slippers hang from picture rail moulding. 

Thin red shelves display etchings from artist Carlos Pileggi, as well as magic lantern slides, photos of my boyfriend when he was little, and other tiny offerings.

One of my best finds, an antique thread cabinet. The tiny wells in each drawer now contain my button collection, all arranged by color. Its silly, but any time I open a drawer in this cabinet and see rows of ruby reds and pinks, or greys, silvers and blacks all lined up, I am instantly happy.  I don't think I'll ever shed the amazement of seeing things arranged by color, a fascination started when I was a kid, by arranging my colored pencils in "rainbow order."

Check out the pic below ...

This is a follow up picture of MJ's handmade caddy she made for her beautiful prismacolor pencil set. She has the same obsession I do. haha! 


  1. Thanks! It was a great find, and its perfect for displaying buttons instead of just thread spools.

  2. that's just sick courtney...(i'm so jealous!)

  3. Haha...I saw that awesome caddy you handmade for your trillion prismascolor pencils. I know you have the "rainbow order" organization bug too!

  4. and that is why we are friends.
    Merry Christmas!
