Sunday, September 19, 2010
Found Photo
I love finding things. I especially love to find something that tells a story. A great find could be an object that is worn down from being handled too often, or a photo that gives a momentary peek into someone else's life. This photo I bought this at an antique sale. I love the shy pride that a child exhibits when their photo is taken, the bottled up excitement of a birthday visible on their blushing cheeks. This little girl in her conical birthday hat, her perfectly starched dress and shiny patent leather shoes, looks down in a moment of internal joy at the thought of the approaching party... at least that is a possible story...
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Steamboat Interiors
So this might seem like a random topic, but I came across these images of steam boat interiors of the late 1800's while searching for images for yesterday's post. I had to share them because I think they are so surreal. I also thought Miss Essential Monsters might enjoy them. And perhaps you will too...
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Home Away from Home
I've been dreaming lately about a little home away from home, a place that is small and magical where one can sip tea, read a book and curl up under a hundred year old quilt made of pink and red silks. My friend Shannon sent me a few of these pics and some others are from this pretty cool UK publication called Shedworking. I hope to build something like this for myself someday!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Image Transfer Class at Folio Studio
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Shadow Boxing at Saffron & Genevieve
Last night's Shadow Boxing class at Saffron & Genevieve was wonderful!!!! The shop was the perfect setting to inspire and the women had incredible energy, creativity and courage!
I am always impressed by what people make in a workshop. In a meagre 3 hours of collecting ephemera, composing objects and sipping wine, at the end each woman had created a one of a kind piece of art that is truly exquisite.
There are more pictures on Saffron & Genenvieve's Facebook page. Some of which are really great and show these women and their work in better detail! Thank you all for a wonderful class!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Sketchbook Project
I just signed up for the Sketchbook Project after hearing about it from several friends. Maybe this will make be faithful to one book!