Tuesday, October 25, 2011

1:44 am

It's probably not a good idea to share anything written at 1:44 in the morning...

Friday, October 21, 2011


feeling like this recently...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Back Home

Just got back this weekend from two weeks in Prague and Berlin... I took 3000 photos! I'll be posting some of them soon... this one is from Berlin

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Upcoming Classes

Its been a super busy month and I'm excited to announce some upcoming workshops...I'll be teaching for the first time at Press: Works On Paper in San Francisco. Press is an awesome shop featuring small press books, limited editions, and hard to find and rare vintage items in addition to other awesome literary and design treats. Join me at Press for Shadow Boxing Fun Wednesday evening October 26th. For more details and to register for the class, check out the class listing.

I'll also be teaching an Image Transfer process class at Saffron & Genevieve Friday Oct 28th. If you haven't been to this delightful shop, you're in for a treat. Scarlett serves champagne and chocolate for workshops and we get to create art in one of the most inspiring design studios anywhere. Find out the details and sign up here... only 2 spots left.

And finally, I have a whole new series of classes for San Francisco Center for the Book's next schedule. I'll fill you in on the details soon, but for now, I'll be teaching an Image Transfer class this week on Friday, October 21st. 

Hope to see you in a workshop!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


In Berlin for one more day... Went to the flea market this morning, discovered two great neighborhoods, and saw an amazing photo exhibit by Taryn Simon. Many pics to come...

Friday, October 7, 2011


Took the train from Prague to Berlin today. The countryside was picturesque and the ride pleasant... It's the middle of the night here in Berlin and I can't sleep. Looking forward to visiting museums tomorrow and the flea markets!!! Gute Nacht.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dobry Den

Good morning Prague... View from my window...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Gone Fishing

Off to Prague tomorrow morning... many pics to follow.